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terça-feira, fevereiro 21, 2006 

Rock ´n Roll

The first time I saw Lou Reed live I was almost sixteen. He was playing at the New Victoria, a converted London Theatre which closed down a few months later.
He kept stopping to tune his guitar. The audience kept cheering and yelling and shouting "Heroin!".

At one point he leaned in to the microphone and told us all to "Shut the fuck up. I'm trying to get this fuckin' tune right."

He didn´t do "Heroin".

At the end of the gig, he told us we'd been such a shitty audience we didn't deserve an encore, and he didn't do one.

That, I decided, was a real rock and roll star.

- Neil Gaiman

Zé Gato

"a real rock and roll star" sem dúvida!

e tu? és uma rock ou uma pop star? ;-b

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