Hummingbird in silence
I’ve known it all along... that bone under my skin,
Just like those turbines in darkness,
Like the blood on my door,
I’ll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness
That I encounter everywhere I turn"
Graffin/Hetson/Bentley - Generator
Os punk rock eloquoente dos Bad Religion acompanhou-me desde os 15.
O mais importante estava sempre escrito na contracapa de todos os albuns da banda.
"No Bad Religion song will ever change your life." that bone under my skin,
Just like those turbines in darkness,
Like the blood on my door,
I’ll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness
That I encounter everywhere I turn"
Graffin/Hetson/Bentley - Generator
Os punk rock eloquoente dos Bad Religion acompanhou-me desde os 15.
O mais importante estava sempre escrito na contracapa de todos os albuns da banda.
"No Bad Religion song will ever change your life."