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segunda-feira, setembro 12, 2005 

the 70´s on one freeze frame

Fotografia de Mick Rock (1972)

I knew I was gonna get this picture no matter what happened. I was not letting anybody out until I got a shot of the three of them together. At the time it wasn't really a big deal. Because David was just breaking and just starting to garner a lot of attention and Iggy and Lou were still underground figures.
That's the only time the three of them were in a photograph together. And of course Iggy was wearing a T-Rex t-shirt. And he's got a pack of Lucky Strike in his mouth. It just happened. That was just one of those great fortuitous things..... David was doing what he always did. He kept changing clothes. That was his thing. He's always changing clothes. We were all very young. I mean, we were no longer teenagers but David was about 25, I was 24, Iggy was 23. Lou's the oldest. He might have been 28, 29. We were all in our twenties."
- Mick Rock (1999)

Sem dúvida.

- Pensava que o Lou ia passar outra "temporada fora" por causa da última recaída. Passa primeiro comigo na "open house" do Andy. Ouvi dizer que ele anda a desenhar uns sapatos novos e podemos sempre ficar a olhar para o Mao.
O Andy tem tanto jeito. Ainda bem que a crítica o começou a reconhecer.
E sabe histórias tão giras. Não sei porque é que o Lou Reed o trata tão mal..."

Grande filme... Grande Bowie...

Fabuloso é este diálogo imaginário, eheheh!

Isto não é uma foto, é um documento. :)

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