Não foi só Abu Ghraib
“The stories they told were remarkably similar – terrible beatings, hung from wrists and beaten, removal of clothes, hooding, exposure naked to extreme cold, … …They all confirmed that all this treatment was by Americans … ... Several mentioned the use of electric shocks … some had this done; many saw it done”.
Notes of a US lawyer after meeting Kuwaiti detainees in Guantánamo Bay in January 2005
Vamos escrever a George W. e pedir a imediata cessação das torturas que emergem do Iraque, Afeganistão e especialmente a Baía de Guantánamo.
Por questões de delicadeza única e exclusivamente formal, temos de usar "Dear Mr. President Bush".
Notes of a US lawyer after meeting Kuwaiti detainees in Guantánamo Bay in January 2005
Vamos escrever a George W. e pedir a imediata cessação das torturas que emergem do Iraque, Afeganistão e especialmente a Baía de Guantánamo.
Por questões de delicadeza única e exclusivamente formal, temos de usar "Dear Mr. President Bush".