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sexta-feira, abril 13, 2007 

Quando ninguém olha

[Billy Chenowith]

[George Silbley]

[Billy and George Sibley are talking on the porch. Billy is sneaking a beer.]

George Sibley: So, you stopped taking them? Just like that?
Billy: Yep.
George Sibley: How do you feel?
Billy: I feel a little tingly. That's about it. What do they got you on these days?
George Sibley: Well they just switched me from Lithium to Tophranil...
Billy: Oh.
George Sibley: ... in between the shock treatments.
Billy: What are those like?
George Sibley: Honestly, I don't know. I go in. They put me on a bed. They give me some oxygen. They say, "You're going to feel a little prick in your hand." That always makes me laugh. And then the next thing I know I wake up with the worst headache I've had in my life.
Billy: You think it's helping?
George Sibley: I think that, as Émile Coué used to say, "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." But not everyone agrees.
Billy: Yeah. It's hard to get your shit together with someone watching all the time.
George Sibley: Hmm, yeah it is. But when no one is watching, then where are you? Where the fuck are you then?

Excelente conversa entre dois malucos em Six Feet Under, 5th Serie, ep. 3


5ª Série? Eu não encontro a 5ª série em lado nenhum. Partilhai.

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